Learning with the Housatonic Museum of Art

HMA Student Docent Program

Partnering with teachers and students since 2000, the HMA Student Docent program builds critical and creative thinking skills through close examination of art and architecture. Students will analyze and interpret primary sources, identify meaningful pieces of evidence to support a claim, create visual representations of their learning and share their ideas with others. The HMA Student Docent program is best-suited for students in grade levels 5-8.

Writing About Art

A Handbook for Educators: Using the HMA collection as a resource in the instruction of writing, helping students to develop creative and critical thinking skills. This book is available as a PDF file and requires Acrobat Reader.

Ansel Adams: Classic Images

Enter the Education Web Site that was developed as a supplement to the ANSEL ADAMS: Classic Images exhibit.

HMA Lecture Series

Below you can see Housatonic Community College students explore objects from the collection and engage in discussion with museum director Robbin Zella. All academic disciplines have been involved in some way or another with the Museum in their curriculum. The art department is particularly involved and each year there is a student art show at the end of spring semester.

People in art gallery
People in art gallery
People in art gallery
People in art gallery