

Read School

To view work by student, choose the link below...

Ivan S...
artwork by student

Kevin S...
artwork by student

artwork by student

Student writing inspired by viewing the Ansel Adams exhibit...


Write a poem from one of the scenes...

I hustle when the rain is falling
Yet silent that I stay
The others try to keep me company
Still silent that I lay
Nor do I need words for I believe
Color speaks for itself
For being different from the others
Helps this secret of mine, well kept.

Tall Building Sky
This picture makes me want to think about a Tall Building Sky. It has the sense of beauty
that has captured my eyes in a weird way. It has tones of white and gray. The whites
seem like the prettiness of a dove. It is a kind of building that you would want to visit -
that of a Tall Building Sky.
Zeluck F. Z.

Pure Beauty (Clearing Winter Storm, Yosemite)
It has texture, but no color. It's more beautiful than others. It catches my deepest
feelings. I look at it with my past thoughts, and ask myself how it came about. The
sensation is unimaginable. I picture fainting and lots of obstacles. I have the urge to take
it home without making a sound. I picture myself in it. The power it holds is so fierce it
captures my eyes and makes me feel weird. The photo was not easy, it is PURE
Louay M.

Here is a church in the west abandoned by the east but God and Jesus haven't given up.
The roads have rocks and dirt and old tire marks. The church seems hurt and the cabin
behind the doors have been locked but will open without a key. This church only needs
you and me.


Read School

To view work by student, choose the link below...

Ivan S...
artwork by student

Kevin S...
artwork by student

artwork by student

Student writing inspired by viewing the Ansel Adams exhibit...


Write a poem from one of the scenes...

I hustle when the rain is falling
Yet silent that I stay
The others try to keep me company
Still silent that I lay
Nor do I need words for I believe
Color speaks for itself
For being different from the others
Helps this secret of mine, well kept.

Tall Building Sky
This picture makes me want to think about a Tall Building Sky. It has the sense of beauty
that has captured my eyes in a weird way. It has tones of white and gray. The whites
seem like the prettiness of a dove. It is a kind of building that you would want to visit -
that of a Tall Building Sky.
Zeluck F. Z.

Pure Beauty (Clearing Winter Storm, Yosemite)
It has texture, but no color. It's more beautiful than others. It catches my deepest
feelings. I look at it with my past thoughts, and ask myself how it came about. The
sensation is unimaginable. I picture fainting and lots of obstacles. I have the urge to take
it home without making a sound. I picture myself in it. The power it holds is so fierce it
captures my eyes and makes me feel weird. The photo was not easy, it is PURE
Louay M.

Here is a church in the west abandoned by the east but God and Jesus haven't given up.
The roads have rocks and dirt and old tire marks. The church seems hurt and the cabin
behind the doors have been locked but will open without a key. This church only needs
you and me.